Monday, January 25, 2010

I survived the TTC Nap... and so did the Napper.

I haven't updated this in a while. Surprisingly enough, there hasn't been anything worth a whole blog. Not that I'm letting the commission off the hook, but I've gotten everywhere I need to go with little to no problems. I'm having a really good streak right now. However, I've probably just jinxed it and it's going to take me 3 and a half hours to get home tonight.

That being said, by now everyone has seen the picture(s) of the Napper(s). I think we've all got a little Heidi Montag in us. We may not spend $30,000 on plastic surgery to turn ourselves into walking jokes but on some level we all want some kind of fame or recognition. Even if it's having something of yours go viral or a meme being traced back and credited to you (don't even say the words "Aaron" "Carter" "phone" and "number" in the same sentence to me... ). So other than my tiny pang of jealousy, I initially had no real reaction to the picture of the collector sleeping on the job.

Well, except that I thought he had a badass mustache. It's exactly the kind of mustache I would have if I was capable of growing facial hair. Women get cramps and men get wicked facial hair? Another unfair fact of life.

After a few days, I still didn't care.

And then the riders became the bad guy:

There have been many media enquires about a picture taken at 10:00 p.m. on January 9 of a TTC Collector described as "sleeping" in the booth. The TTC is conducting an inquiry on this and until this is completed the union will have no comment on the matter except this:

Whatever the outcome of the enquiry, it is very discouraging that the picture taker and, apparently, other customers, made no attempt to determine if there was anything wrong with this TTC employee. A simple knock on the glass might have determined if the Collector was, in fact, asleep, or whether he was unconscious as a result of some medical problem. The reports that passengers were laughing at him as they passed by the booth makes this even more disturbing.

The union will comment further at an appropriate time.

My favourite part is when he says the employee was "described as "sleeping"". With the quotes. It reminds me of the episode of Friends when Joey used the air quotes while saying "I'm sorry" to Ross.

"Not really doin' it right, Joe" Er, Bob.

Finally! A reaction!

My Reaction:

*Notice that awesome mustache*

I couldn't help but be a little amused that he tried to turn it around like that but it quickly turned sour. You can't say the guy doesn't have balls. You would have to if you're gonna put out a statement like that. Downplay what the employee has legit done wrong and magnify what the public kind of, sort of, maybe did slightly wrong.


Playing the hypothetical game are we?
I can play, too!

I know that the statement wasn't personally from the Napper himself but if that's how his leader reacts, I can imagine that if someone had actually knocked on the window to wake him up his reaction wouldn't be too far off. He'd probably get a little defensive. I mean, who isn't a little grumpy when they're woken up by someone else. Especially when they're not supposed to be sleeping in the first place because y'know... THEY'RE AT WORK! I'd feel bad for the rider that would have to deal with him. Hypothetically, of course. They were horrible people and didn't even try.

And this is a little out there but what if someone woke him and actually caused harm. I mean, he's fragile right? That's why this situation is so "disturbing". What if someone tried to wake him and startled him and he had a heart attack and it was just too much for him (I mean, c'mon! Staying awake is too taxing on him) and he died?! In a way, those riders kind of saved his life. Quite frankly, I think they should be praised for their inaction.

But in all seriousness, he really fell asleep on the job. No pun intended. Oh, wait. That wasn't a pun. That really happened.

In the end he wasn't doing his job. Bob Kinnear is pointing the finger at riders for "what if" situations and it can easily be turned around. What if the situation was something that was compromising rider safety? There's plenty of things that could have happened that I don't even have the energy to list. Luckily, nothing happened to the riders. And nothing happened to the employee. Everyone was safe and alive. Some may have been a little groggier than others but everyone survived the nap.

I don't know who made this but it's brilliant. GO lol GO!

Bob Kinnear's statement boggles the mind. It was inappropriate and childish. The general public has plenty to say about the TTC on a daily basis and then something like this happens to anger them further. I personally didn't think much of the initial incident but I can see why people would get upset. That's not a fire I'd add more fuel to!

But like I said, the guy has balls...

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